About Me

Hi, I'm Mohammed Sadiq

I am a software engineer, currently working as a senior front end engineer at  Blue Sky Analytics.   Spanning over 3+ years of experience I have been contributing to startups on projects ranging from ed-tech to geospatial visualization. Always been passionately curious to get right in and create/assist stuff that pops up on the internet that serves someone somehere on the planet or even just as a pastime.

What I do


Worked on several full stack projects ranging from ed-tech to geospatial visualization to e-commerce websites both as a freelancer and as a full time developer.


I have an experience of building multiple real world applications. Mostly worked with the cross-platform framework Flutter which offers seamless developer experience.

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Blue Sky Analytics

Senior Front End Engineer Duration : Sep 2021 - Present
My work focuses on building a literal digital twin of earth, a developer API platform and amazing UIs that describe our overall product. Transforming a catalogue of environmental datasets into highly effective visual platform. Visualizing business-ready and actionable environmental insights from AI-powered datasets with a detailed spatial and temporal context.


Front End Developer Duration : Dec 2020 - Aug 2021
Built user dashboards to high conversion websites with services and products in edtech space. Worked with multiple libraries and frameworks with a major focus on ReactJs to build services with high performance and seamless web experiences.


Full stack developer, Intern Duration : 6 - 7 months
Developed a client and admin side product ordering mobile application using Flutter framework. The backend was implemented using Node.js. Push notification feature was implemented using FCM. Worked with PostgresQL database and Sequelize ORM. The backend was dockerized and is hosted on Digital Ocean's droplet. Additionally, had an experience of working with AWS EC2.

Recent projects

Recent projects

raster-playground Raster playground  #react #mapbox #openlayers #contributor
raster-playground Ogle Docs  #nextjs #websockets #mongoose #approuter
Avatar Memory game #javascript
raster-playground Travel expense calculator  #react #mongoose #mern #sortablehoc
Avatar Who wants to be a MEGADEV #javascript
Avatar Image Uploader #react #cloudinary

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